Invoice Approval
Other than the items procured by public institutions and organizations, and determined by various public institutions such as Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Public Works, State Hydraulic Works, State Hydraulic Works (DSI), Highways and Iller Bank with pose numbers and prices have been determined, the works for the approval of the product items included in the invoices issued on behalf of the relevant Public Institution and Organization or the invoices issued on behalf of the relevant main contractor for all the products that are defined as SPECIAL UNIT PRICE and for the conformity to the market prices as of the date of the invoice.
Confirmation of compliance of invoices with the fair prices, the average of the prices to be taken or the ones that are closest to each other are taken into consideration by documenting at least three companies dealing with the goods or services subject to the invoice. In the absence of this number of enterprises. the report of the expert committee to be appointed with the decision of the board of directors, with the opinion of the relevant professional committee or, if necessary, the list of experts approved by the assembly will apply. However, invoices related to the special production must be approved according to the report to be issued by the surveying committee to be assigned. The approval process is based on the invoice originals.
If the invoice is arranged for a business that requires special manufacturing, it is obligatory to include the sample of the work in the invoice and if this is not possible, the annotation pictures and similar documents, which show the technical characteristics of the work done, must be included in the invoice.
Invoices issued to determine unit price with proforma invoices are not endorsed by the fact that the trading contract does not take place legally. However, it is possible to approve these invoices if all work is specified in the invoices issued to determine the unit price. In addition, invoices, which are arranged only for installation, labour or transportation costs, and the price of materials, including labour, transportation and installation costs, shall not be applied and approved for that do not allow the application of price determination procedures.
The approval of the invoices is made by the chamber or branch at the location of the seller who sells the goods and issues the invoice.
The invoice certifications related to the special productions based on the project are made by the Chamber of Industry or the Chamber of Commerce and Industry where the seller sells the goods and issued the invoice according to the procedures and principles specified in this Article, if it is not possible, it is performed by the nearest chamber of industry or chamber of commerce and industry.
(Chamber Transactions Regulations -38th Article)
Documents Requested for Invoice Approval Applications
1. Application petition. (Petition Copy)
2. Due to the necessity of the documentation of the invoice approval, which public institution and organization is related to the business, the official letter. (A copy of the corresponding official letter requesting the invoice approval)
3. Invoice original and copy.
4. Invoice content, detailed information about the product. (Technical drawing, catalogue etc.)
5. Price list. (Price list valid for the nationwide, published by the manufacturer/importer regarding the materials included in the invoice)
6. Invoice approvals are subject to a fee.
Important Considerations in Invoice Approval Applications.
• Due to the necessity of documenting which invoice request is related to which public institution and organization is related, it is necessary to submit a letter written to the KOCAELİ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE from the official institution (employer) requesting invoice approval.
• The invoice approval procedures by our Chamber can be made for the invoices that are issued by the firms within the activity area of our Chamber.
• Proforma invoices are not approved.
• Invoices issued for the purpose of determining the unit price may be approved if the actual requirement amounts are clearly stated by the company that issued the invoice, otherwise it cannot be approved.
• If invoice content is included in product prices, including shipping, labour and assembly, such invoices cannot be approved in accordance with Article 38 of our Chamber Regulations.
• Invoice content related to products; brand, model, product code and main technical specifications must be stated.
• Invoice content of the units of the products must be specified.
• Invoice attachment; The original price list (marked on the relevant items), promotional brochures and catalogues issued by the manufacturer/importer must be available.
• For the subsequent correction and descriptions on the invoice, the expression “these correction and descriptions were made by us” must be clearly written on the invoice and signed and stamped.
• Invoice approval procedures for products supplied by imports; evaluated by the price determined by the market researches for the equivalent products and the import documents submitted by the related company (import invoice and customs declaration).