

Modification of authority certificates

ARTICLE 20 - (1) Authorization Certificate holders can change their Authorization Certificate to another Authorization Certificate. According to this:

a) If the Authorization Certificate holders are required to replace their Authorization Certificate with an Authorization Certificate which is more expensive; Authorization documents are changed if they fulfil the requirements of this Regulation for the requested Authorization Certificate and pay the difference in fees between the applicable full fees of both Authorization Certificate’s change dates.

b) if the Authorization Certificate holders wish to replace the Authorization Certificate they have with an Authorization Certificate, which is less expensive; Authorization certificates are changed without the refund of the difference between the two Authorization Certificates provided that they fulfil the requirements of this Regulation for the requested Authorization Certificate.

c) The date of expiry of the authorization certificates issued in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be set as the expiry date of the previous Authorization Certification and shall not be charged to the cards issued for the vehicles registered in the previous vehicle certificate.

ç) Authorization Certificate Owners’ Authorization Certificate modification requests within the period specified in the second paragraph of Article 19 shall be met if they meet the requirements of this Regulation. In the case of such exchange requests, the start and end date of the validation period of the newly issued Authorization Certificates is set as the start and end date of the previous Authorization Certificate.

(2) In order to make the Authorization Certificate change under the first paragraph, the following shall apply;

a) it is not terminated or cancelled according to this Regulation,

b) If there is a fee payment due to a change, this fee payment shall be made within five days at the latest, before the expiration of the Authorization Certificate renewal right and starting from the date on which the payment notification is issued,

c) Removal of all warnings on the Authorization Certificate to be modified,

ç) For the authorization documents to be changed under subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph, it is mandatory that the Authorization Certificate has passed ninety days from the date of the first submission.

(3) The time limit for the exemption granted, if any, and the minimum capacity loss calculated according to the twenty-first paragraph of Article 14 shall not apply to the new Authorization Certificate issued by the amendment.

(4) The thirty-fourth clause of Article 40 shall apply to the new authorization documents issued by the replacement procedure.